If you’re familiar with my blog or follow me on instagram you know I have my fair share of tattoo’s. While I still love the look of my tattoos, there are some things I wish I knew before getting inked.
Yes it’s permanent (heard that before), it’s PAINFUL (duh), take your time and choose wisely (oops didn’t always listen to this one), but there’s way more to it than just the common sense stuff. Beware: getting a tattoo may take a drastic toll on your immunity!

What’s really in the ink?
Sadly not much is actually known about what kind of impurities are in tattoo ink, however, it’s important to choose a tattoo artist that uses high quality ink. Even though most ink contains organic pigments, they are also known to have preservatives and metals such as nickel, chromium, magnesium, or cobalt.
The second most common ingredient in tattoo ink is titanium dioxide (TiO2), a naturally occurring mineral that gives off a white pigment. TiO2 is commonly found in food additives, paints and sunscreens, and has been found in the skin and the lymph nodes after being tattooed.
How tattoos put your immune system in danger
When you get tattooed the needles penetrate the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), and pushes the ink into the dermis (the deeper layer of skin), which contains your nerves and blood vessels.
Just like any wound to your body, when the needle penetrates you’re skin it alerts the body, beginning the inflammatory process. Your immune system cells will race to the site and macrophages (a type of red blood cell) will begin eating up the ink of the tattoo in an attempt to clean up the inflammation.

Studies have shown that these tattoo pigments end up in your lymph nodes. Study coauthor Bernhard Hesse said: “We already knew that pigments from tattoos would travel to the lymph nodes because of visual evidence: the lymph nodes become tinted with the color of the tattoo. It is the response of the body to clean the site.”
These particles not only make it into the lymph system, but they can remain there for a long period of time, and may cause inflammation and lymph node enlargement. Thankfully most tattooed individuals don’t suffer from chronic inflammation (including myself), however I wish I had seriously considered how the immune system is affected before getting inked.
Fight back & boost your immunity
Our immune system works to protect our bodies and is our natural defense against any threat. Unfortunately an impaired immune system leaves your body vulnerable to health risks. Therefore, I do not recommend getting inked if you have a compromised immune system.

Don’t worry it’s not all doom and gloom for my fellow inked friends, one small study showed the more ink you have, the better your immunity! I know crazy right? Continually getting tattooed puts the immune system on heightened alert, in turn making the body heal itself after every session and boosting your immunity.
However, if you want to boost your immune system, getting a bunch of tats is probably not the best way to go about it. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to a strong immune system, and The Harvard Medical School set some awesome guidelines to follow:
- Don’t smoke.
- Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
- Exercise regularly.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Get adequate sleep.
- Avoid infection by washing your hands regularly.
- Minimize stress.
If you are having any immunodeficiency’s check out The One Thing Your Immune System is Missing!