What I Wish I Knew About Tattoos Before Getting Inked!

If you’re familiar with my blog or follow me on instagram you know I have my fair share of tattoo’s. While I still love the look of my tattoos, there are some things I wish I knew before getting inked.

Yes it’s permanent (heard that before), it’s PAINFUL (duh), take your time and choose wisely (oops didn’t always listen to this one), but there’s way more to it than just the common sense stuff. Beware: getting a tattoo may take a drastic toll on your immunity!

Aloha Tattoo

What’s really in the ink?

Sadly not much is actually known about what kind of impurities are in tattoo ink, however, it’s important to choose a tattoo artist that uses high quality ink. Even though most ink contains organic pigments, they are also known to have preservatives and metals such as nickel, chromium, magnesium, or cobalt.

The second most common ingredient in tattoo ink is titanium dioxide (TiO2), a naturally occurring mineral that gives off a white pigment. TiO2 is commonly found in food additives, paints and sunscreens, and has been found in the skin and the lymph nodes after being tattooed.

How tattoos put your immune system in danger

When you get tattooed the needles penetrate the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), and pushes the ink into the dermis (the deeper layer of skin), which contains your nerves and blood vessels.

Just like any wound to your body, when the needle penetrates you’re skin it alerts the body, beginning the inflammatory process. Your immune system cells will race to the site and macrophages (a type of red blood cell) will begin eating up the ink of the tattoo in an attempt to clean up the inflammation.

tattoo artist

Studies have shown that these tattoo pigments end up in your lymph nodes. Study coauthor Bernhard Hesse said: “We already knew that pigments from tattoos would travel to the lymph nodes because of visual evidence: the lymph nodes become tinted with the color of the tattoo. It is the response of the body to clean the site.”

These particles not only make it into the lymph system, but they can remain there for a long period of time, and may cause inflammation and lymph node enlargement. Thankfully most tattooed individuals don’t suffer from chronic inflammation (including myself), however I wish I had seriously considered how the immune system is affected before getting inked.

Fight back & boost your immunity

Our immune system works to protect our bodies and is our natural defense against any threat. Unfortunately an impaired immune system leaves your body vulnerable to health risks. Therefore, I do not recommend getting inked if you have a compromised immune system.


Don’t worry it’s not all doom and gloom for my fellow inked friends, one small study showed the more ink you have, the better your immunity! I know crazy right? Continually getting tattooed puts the immune system on heightened alert, in turn making the body heal itself after every session and boosting your immunity.

However, if you want to boost your immune system, getting a bunch of tats is probably not the best way to go about it. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to a strong immune system, and The Harvard Medical School set some awesome guidelines to follow:

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Avoid infection by washing your hands regularly.
  • Minimize stress.

If you are having any immunodeficiency’s check out The One Thing Your Immune System is Missing!

Easy Peezy Elderberry Syrup!

Elderberry Syrup
Elderberry syrup recipe

Rich in vitamins A, B and C elderberries are amazing for the immune system and has been used for centuries to treat various health conditions including the flu (Influenza A), the common cold, diabetes, heart disease and so much more!

Learn more about this powerful little berry HERE, and check out this easy peezy elderberry syrup recipe and keep your family healthy and happy!

Elderberry syrup recipe


  • 1/2 Cup dried elderberries
  • 2 Cups Water
  • 1 TBSP Fresh minced ginger (optional)
  • 1 TSP Cinnamon
  • 1/2 Cup honey


  • In a medium saucepan combine elderberries, water, ginger and cinnamon. Bring to a boil on high heat. Lower the heat and allow to simmer for about 45 minutes or until the water has been reduced to half.
  • Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Mash the berries with a spoon or flat utensil.
  • Pour the syrup into a glass mason jar, straining the berries out.
  • Stir in the honey.
  • Store in the fridge for up to two weeks. Freeze any remainder for later.

Instant Pot Elderberry Syrup!

  • Put all the ingredients except the honey into the instant pot.
  • Seal the lid and set to pressure cook on high for 9 minutes.
  • When IP beeps, turn pressure valve to vent and wait till all the pressure is released.
  • Mash the berries with a spoon and pour the syrup into a glass mason jar, straining all the berries out.
  • When cooled to room temperature stir in honey.

Enjoy! Have you made the syrup? Or have any questions? Please comment below, I love hearing from my readers! And if you love the recipe, please share on your favorite social media apps by clicking the circles below!

The Amazing Benefits of Elderberries!

Benefits of elderberries

Elderberry extract has been used for centuries to treat various health conditions including the flu (Influenza A), the common cold, diabetes, heart disease and so much more. Learn more about this powerful little berry, it’s benefits and uses, and how to prepare your own elderberry syrup!

What are elderberries?

The Sambucas tree or elderberry tree has clusters of white flowers and dark blue/black berries. The most common variety is the Sambucus Nigra. The tree is native to Europe, however it is grown in many parts of the world including the United States.

Elderberries benefits and uses

For centuries elderberries have been used for its medicinal and culinary uses among the Native Americans, Europeans, and Egyptians. The berries are very tart, and the seed contains cyanide, so they need to be properly deseeded and cooked before being eaten.

The health benefits of elderberries

Rich in vitamins A, B and C elderberries are great for the immune system. Compared to other berries, elderberries measured the HIGHEST in antioxidant power! Because elderberries have a rich dark color they contain high levels of flavonoids and anthocyanins, which pack a powerful antioxidant punch.


Elderberry syrup will not prevent you from getting the flu, but it’s VERY effective at shortening the duration of the flu virus. Several studies have proven that if taken within the first 24 hours of having the flu, it can shorten it to about 3-4 days.

In addition, one study of 312 air travelers taking elderberry extract 3 times a day found that those who got sick experienced less severe symptoms and a shorter length of time being sick.

Elderberry syrup is a staple in my medicine cabinet. If I feel any inkling of getting sick, I take a dropper of elderberry three-four times a day until I am well. Its doe’s miracles in keeping me healthy!


Elderberries contain free radical fighting properties and high levels of vitamin A so it can help reduce the appearance of age spots and fine lines. The compound Anthocyanin that gives the berries its dark hue, can give your skin a natural boost, and can relieve rashes and sunburn.

In addition because the elderberry has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties it’s a great acne fighter! While there isn’t a ton of research on the benefits of elderberry for acne, it has been used for centuries to treat the skin holistically.

Because the flavonoids contained in elderberries can prevent damage to the bodies cells and protect it from harmful free radicals, it’s a great natural skin care.


Studies have shown the elderberry may be good for your heart because it can reduce the level of fat in the blood and decrease cholesterol. While nothing replaces a plant-based diet, a diet high in flavonoids can reduce the risk of heart disease, making elderberry syrup a great addition to your daily repertoire.


Another amazing benefit of the elderberry is it keeps the digestive system healthy! It can improve digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive juices and can prevent and relieve constipation. In addition, studies have shown that elderberries are a natural diuretic for those needing to reduce the amount of water in their body.

elderberry syrup

Additional benefits

  • Lowers blood sugar levels. Elderberry syrup can reduce blood sugar levels by stimulating glucose metabolism and secreting insulin, making it ideal for those suffering with diabetes.
  • Prevents cancer. We all know the importance of antioxidants in the prevention of cancer, and with elderberry being a powerhouse for antioxidants it’s a great addition to our diet. Even though nothing replaces consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, the anthocyanins in elderberry has amazing anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • Clears up sinus infections. If you suffer from sinus infections the anti-inflammatory and antioxidants in elderberry syrup can help clear it up.

Uses of elderberry

Fresh elderberries may not be available near your home, but they can be purchased in a variety of different ways at your local health food store including:

I recommend elderberry syrup or pill/capsule form because it’s easy and fast. Personally I take about a teaspoon of my home made elderberry syrup everyday and if I’m feeling a cold coming on, I will up the dose to about 4 teaspoons a day until its gone.


As was mentioned, the seeds in raw elderberries are poisonous because they contain a cyanide-inducing chemical and can result in vomiting and diarrhea.

Commercial preparations such as those purchased at your health food store are generally safe; however, please consult your health care provider before adding elderberry to your diet.

Easy peezy elderberry syrup

For years I purchased elderberry syrup on Amazon or at my local health food store, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, especially if you live a busy life and are lazy like me! But if you have a little time, making your own elderberry syrup will save you a TON of money, and it’s actually quite easy and quick!

Check out this easy peezy elderberry syrup recipe! Please leave a comment below, I love to hear from you!

The Best Natural Sunscreens for Surfers & Ocean Lovers!

Let’s face it; if you’re a surfer, swimmer, or an all around ocean lover, sunscreen is essential to avoid a sunburn! Sun protection is important to reduce your risk of ultraviolet exposure, it prevents skin cancer, sun damage and aging. Yet not all sunscreen is created equal! While some sun exposure is important for our bodies to produce Vitamin D, less is not more in this case.

beautiful hawaii

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), in a study of 880 sunscreen products more than 75% contained red-flag ingredients, such as oxybenzone or retinyl palmitate. That means it’s up to consumers like you and I to educate ourselves!

Chemicals to avoid in sunscreen.

  • Oxybenzone is one of the most common chemicals found in sunscreen. While Oxybenzone does absorb UV light, it is also absorbed in the skin and unfortunately can stay in our bodies for a long time. Oybenzone has been linked to hormone disruption causing endometriosis and is a risk to the reproductive system. In addition, it has the potential to damage cells, leading to skin cancer (wait isn’t that why we use sunscreen to begin with?). The EWG rates Oxybenzone an 8 on their toxicity scale, meaning it’s one of the MOST toxic chemicals found in skincare products. Avoid this chemical in your sunscreen at all costs!

  • Vitamin A (also called retinyl palmitate or retinol).  While eating a diet rich in vitamin A is essential, putting it on your skin can be very harmful. The EWG reports that tumors or lesions can develop sooner on skin coated with vitamin A. Avoid any products with vitamin A, retinyl palmitate or retinol in the ingredients.

  • Octinoxate is a UV-B filter used in sunscreens because it dissolves easily in oils. However, Octinoxate has been linked to endocrine disruption and reproductive issues.

  • Homosalate absorbs UV light to prevent skin exposure, but it is also linked to hormone disruption and can increase the absorption of pesticides, including bug sprays.

In addition to these chemicals being extremely harmful to you, they also damage our coral reefs! Oxybenzone, Octinoxate and Homosalate are all banned ingredients in Hawaii’s sunscreens because they don’t break down easily and harm the reefs and wildlife.

When choosing a sunscreen avoid aerosol sprays and stick with creams. Sprays can cloud the air with tiny particles that may be harmful to inhale, and sunscreen creams generally cover your body better. Also choose a sunscreen that is fragrance free to avoid any more unnecessary added chemicals or allergens.

My sunscreen picks!

My all time favorite sunscreen is Badger Active Mineral Sunscreen! Here are the pros: it only has 5 INGREDIENTS (woohoo), it’s organic and non-GMO, doesn’t damage the reef, water resistant, and it works great! The only downside is it makes your face slightly white, but that’s because of the active ingredient zinc, and it doesn’t have the chemicals in it to make it smooth into your skin. I’ll take the white face over the chemicals any day!

Another popular sunscreen you can find at any drug store that doesn’t have any of the bad chemicals listed above is Neutrogena Sheer Zinc Sunscreen. This one is great for a long day at the beach. However, as is with all sunscreens, make sure to re-apply every hour or two so that you don’t get burnt.

In addition, if you already have a preferred sunscreen, check out the ingredients and chemicals it contains by using the search bar at The Environmental Working Group. It will give you an overall score of the sunscreen, a rating, and list in detail the ingredients and if they are harmful to you.

Thank you for reading! Please share on your favorite social media app and leave a comment below =).

Wait…Sunshine Prevents cancer?

Sunflowers..sunshine prevents cancer

There is a common belief that sun exposure leads to skin cancer, and the only way to protect against it is to lather up with sunscreen. Being raised in the 80s and 90s in Hawaii, this belief was prevalent. But did you know that the sun actually protects you against cancer?

Vitamin D is nicknamed the “sunshine vitamin” because the skin actually produces it from sun exposure. Research has proven that a low level of Vitamin D is actually a risk factor for melanoma and breast cancer in women. Besides fighting cancer, vitamin D is important for bone growth, preventing osteoporosis, and it also strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight other diseases.

Love the sunshine

Now in no way am I telling you to go out and fry in the sun, but contrary to popular belief getting a little sunshine is actually good for your health!

So how do we get enough Vitamin D?

Certain factors may be preventing us from getting enough vitamin D and these may include:

  • Pollution.   Air pollution prevents humans from getting UVB through to the earth’s atmosphere, which hinders our bodies from producing vitamin D.
  • Where we live.  The further from the equator the less sunshine, preventing our bodies from producing vitamin D.
  • Skin color.  Dark skinned people have more melanin than light skinned people so they need more UVB exposure in order to produce vitamin D.
  • Age.  Studies have shown that the older you get, the harder it is for your body to produce vitamin D.
  • Body Weight. Several studies have shown that being obese can affect the bioavailability of vitamin D in your bodies.

In addition to sunlight exposure, consuming a healthy diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants is the best way to get more vitamin D. Eating fresh, raw and unprocessed foods will give your body what it needs to produce healthy oils in your skin, which will protect you from damaging sun rays.

How can we use the sun wisely?

Believe it or not in recent decades skin cancer rates have actually gone up despite people religiously using sunscreen and avoiding sun exposure. A recent study in the Journal of Dermato-Endocrinology said that there is a wide range of health benefits from sun/UV exposure. They said that the message of sun avoidance must be changed to non-burning sun exposure.

This is why I don’t completely avoid sun exposure; rather I try to get a little sunshine every day. We are naturally built to receive the suns rays, and the more time spent in the sun your body will build a natural immunity. Obviously we wouldn’t want to sit and bake in the sun ALL day, more is definitely not better when it comes to sun exposure.

coconut trees blowing in the wind

Depending on the color of your skin, you may only need 10-20 minutes of sun exposure a day to get the UVB rays your body needs to produce vitamin D. Everyone is different, the darker your skin the more exposure you need. Personally living in Hawaii and loving the ocean, I can usually handle about 30-45 minutes of sunshine before I try to cover up.

Tips for the sun:

  • Limit your time in the sun during the hottest part of the day from 11am-4pm.
  • As much as possible cover up with protective clothing and accessories. If your hitting the beach always carry a big beach umbrella or pop up cabana (that I can’t live without).
  • When clothing isn’t an option, choose a safe natural sunscreen that doesn’t have toxic chemicals.

In addition to outward protection you can increase your internal protection against harmful UVA rays by taking Astaxanthin. Studies show that it’s a powerful antioxidant that acts as an internal sunscreen, and reduces signs of aging by protecting your skin from damage.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for the next blog: “Best Natural Sunscreens for surfers & ocean lovers.”